Get the weather forecast for Criccieth right here. We've put together some useful information and links to give you the best possible data for your forecast in Criccieth, North Wales.
Criccieth is ideally placed on the Llyn peninsula, enjoying a 'micro-climate' compared to some of her neighbouring towns and villages further inland. The weather in Criccieth can surprise you. As Criccieth is coastal you will often find that the mountains of Snowdonia harbour the rainclouds away - helping the coastal area to stay cloud-free. Criccieth also enjoys the warmer temperatures of the Gulf Stream. Criccieth is also known for its occasional heat waves, with temperatures sometimes reaching higher levels than some of the biggest tourist destinations in Europe. These heat waves can be a pleasant surprise for visitors, but it's important to keep in mind that the weather can change quickly and always be prepared for the possibility of rain.
The weather in Criccieth also affects sea life and migrating birds. The warmer sea temperatures and mild climate attract a variety of sea life, including dolphins and porpoises, which can be seen in the waters around Cardigan Bay. The town is also a popular spot for migrating birds, with a wide variety of species stopping by to rest and feed during their journey. Some of the birds that can be found in Criccieth include the common tern, Oystercatcher and Guillemots - just to name a couple.
In terms of seals, the common seal and the grey seal are the main species that can be found on the coast of Criccieth, and they can be seen on the rocky shores in the area. The seals come to the coast to breed and give birth, and visitors can often spot them basking on the rocks or swimming in the waters.
Criccieth Weather Forecast
Whether you are looking for a short range forecast or long range forecast we aim to provide you with the essential information you need. Although it's good to note that it doesn't always strictly follow what the weather reports suggest - so don't let the weather forecasts put you off from coming - especially if it's a long range forecast.
Sometimes it's better to be prepared for any weather and not worry as much especially if you are just visiting Criccieth - there are plenty of things to do when we have a rain shower.
However if you are planning a trip out into the mountains or to sea it's extremely vital that you are prepared with the right weather information as conditions in the mountains or at sea can change quickly.
Snowdonia Weather Forecast
If you are looking to travel from Criccieth into the mountains such as The Snowdonia National Park please see the forecast data from the Llanberis Mountain Rescue website here
Tide Times for Criccieth
For information on Criccieth's tide times - please see below. Additional information especially fishing information can be found at our local fishing tackle shop in Criccieth - click here to visit their Facebook page.
Alternatively you can use an app to use for local tide times here in Criccieth and the surrounding areas. Take a look at My-tide-times as a really good accurate Tide app.
Sea Temperatures
Criccieth faces South overlooking Cardigan Bay / Tremadog Bay here in Gwynedd, North Wales. The Gulf Stream pushes up warm waters from the Gulf of Mexico and circulates around Cardigan Bay. Due to warm sea temperatures in Cardigan Bay, you can often observe many marines species even with the naked eye - (even better with a pair of binoculars sitting at the window at Mor Heli). Bottlenose Dolphins, Harbour Porpoises, Northern Bottlenose Whales, Seals and an array of bird life have all been spotted from Criccieth shoreline.
Sea views of Tremadog Bay / Cardigan Bay in all double bedrooms and family rooms at Mor Heli
If you enjoy swimming there are some local groups in Criccieth who go out regularly (yes, even in Winter, 'brrr'). - Check out the Woolly Hatters on Facebook here There is a sandy shallow beach on the East of the Castle and a shingle beach to its West. Both are ideal for swimming, especially in the summer months due to warmer sea temperatures in the Bay.
Stay Safe!!
If you do decide to go swimming, always go with somebody in case you encounter any difficulties. Always let someone know you are going and if they can watch you. You can learn more about Swim Wales and Open Water swimming here (a good read!)